The process of digitization of the book Łowiectwo is completed, which includes hodowanie and protection of animals and ptaków łownych oraz tępienie zwierząt drapieżnych: lecture of nauczyciela leśnictwa w Instytucie gospodarja wiejskiego i leśnictwa w Marymoncie
More details ...As part of the project "Creation of a digital collection of the most valuable book editions of the Scientific Library of the State Museum of Natural History", we are beginning the selection of the most valuable editions for further scanning and posting in free access on the project website.
More details ...As part of the grant project "Creation of a digital collection of the most valuable book editions of the Scientific Library of the State Museum of Natural History", the necessary equipment was purchased for scanning the most valuable editions of the library and its general functioning.
More details ...Dear visitors, we are pleased to inform you that the agreement on the grant project "Creation of a digital collection of the most valuable book editions of the Scientific Library of the State Museum of Natural History" from the organization House of Europe has been signed.
More details ...Dear visitors, we are pleased to inform you that we managed to win the competition for grants for the digitization of cultural heritage from House of Europe. More information about the project is available at the link Digitization of cultural heritage from House of Europe.
More details ...Dear visitors, we have practically completed the scanning, processing and subsequent publication of old prints and other interesting books. We are currently working on two electronic publications that will summarize our two-year work and introduce you to new materials that have never been digitized before and were available only offline.
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Berge Friedrich Käferbuch. Allgemeine und specielle Naturgeschichte der Käfer ...
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Karel Exler ml. Motýlové. Soustavný popis motýlů v zemích koruny české žijících ...
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed 100 Abbildungen in und ausländischer Gewächse mit Benutzung Lorinser’s Flora ...
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Pflanzenblätter in Naturdruck mit der botanischen kunstvrache für die Blattform
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Cryptogamen-Flora enthaltend die Abbildung und beschreibung der vorzüglichsten Cryptogamen Deutschlands
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Rostafiński Józef Przewodnik do oznaczania pospolitszych roślin
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Solski Stanislaw Kontenta Architekta: Na trzy Kśiegi rozłożonego
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Rys Statystyczno-Geograficzny Galicyi Austrjackiej 1849 / skreślony przez M. W.
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Schmidt E. Die bewährtesten Fangmethoden der Stubenvögel in zweiundzwanzig gründlichen Anweisungen nach den neuesten praktischen Erfahrungen dargestellt oder Anleitung, jeden Stubenvogel leicht und sicher zu fangen
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Gosse By P.H. Popular British ornithology containing familiar of the Birds of the British Isles. Second Edition
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Berendsa Adolfa Busko i Źródło mineralne
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Kulczyńskiego W. Opisy nowych gatunkow Pająkow z Tatr, Babiéj góry i Karpat szlązkich
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Charles Darwin F.R.S., F.G.S. A Monograph on the Fossil Balanidae and Verrucidae of Great Britain
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed J.C. Weber Die Fische Deutschlands und der Schweiz. Zweite Auflage
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Rossmӓssler E.A. Iconographie Land- & Süsswasser-Molluscken mit Vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der Europaischen noch nicht Abgebildeten Arten. Sechster Band. Mit Dreissig Tafeln
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Rossmӓssler E.A. Iconographie Land- & Süsswasser-Molluscken mit Vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der Europaischen noch nicht Abgebildeten Arten. V. Band. Mit Dreissig Tafeln
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Rossmӓssler E.A. Iconographie Land- & Süsswasser-Molluscken mit Vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der Europaischen noch nicht Abgebildeten Arten. Neue Folge. Fünfter Band. Mit Dreissig Tafeln
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Rossmӓssler E.A. Iconographie Land- & Süsswasser-Molluscken mit Vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der Europaischen noch nicht Abgebildeten Arten. Neue Folge. Vierter Band. Mit Dreissig Tafeln
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Rossmӓssler E.A. Iconographie Land- & Süsswasser-Molluscken mit Vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der Europaischen noch nicht Abgebildeten Arten. IV Band. Mit Dreissig Tafeln
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Rossmӓssler E.A. Iconographie Land- & Süsswasser-Molluscken mit Vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der Europaischen noch nicht Abgebildeten Arten. Neue Folge. Neue Folge. Dritter Band. Mit Dreissig Tafeln
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Rossmӓssler E.A. Iconographie Land- & Süsswasser-Molluscken mit Vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der Europaischen noch nicht Abgebildeten Arten. Neue Folge. Erster Supplement Band. Mit Dreissig Tafeln
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Rossmӓssler E.A. Iconographie Land- & Süsswasser-Molluscken mit Vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der Europaischen noch nicht Abgebildeten Arten. Neue Folge. Zweiter Band. Mit Dreissig Tafeln
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Rossmӓssler E.A. Iconographie Land- & Süsswasser-Molluscken mit Vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der Europaischen noch nicht Abgebildeten Arten. Neue Folge. Erster Band. Mit Dreissig Tafeln
More details ...The "Periodical publications" section contains 11 issues of the magazine "Rozprawy i Wiadomości z Muzeum im. Dzieduszyckich".
More ...New sections have been added to the site: "Periodical publications" and "Other". Access to them is available in the main menu under the item "Library fund".
An electronic edition has been prepared I.M. Susulovska Block-card catalog of the Scientific Library of the State Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. "Entomology" series
More ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Jonstonus Johannes (1603-1675) Historiae Naturalis de quadrupetibus Libri Cum aeneis figuris
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Martini Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm (1729-1778). Neues Systematisches Conchylien Cabinet
More details ...The process of digitizing diplomas stored in the library has been completed.
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Du Hamel du Monceau, Henri Louis Abhandlung von Bäumen Stauden und Sträuchen, welche in Frankreich in freier Luft erzogen werden
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Jonstonus Joannes Historiais Naturalis
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Fontenelle P. Rozmowy o wielkości światów
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Poda Nicolaus Insecta Musei Graecensis, quae in ordines, genera et species juxta Systema naturae Caroli Linnaei
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Symon Jan Krystian Informacya Praktyczna o Paleniu Wodek Pędzeniu Dobrych Alembicowych Gorzałek y Likworow z Przyłaczonemi Wraz Sposobami Robienia rożnego Gatunku Przednich Essencyi
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Schröter Johann Samuel Ritters Carl von Linne Termini Conchiliologici oder Kunstwörter für Schnecken und Muscheln lateinisch und deutsch
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Krebs Karl Friedrich Brứchstüke aus dem Pflanzen Reiche der Wald
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Gottwaldt Christoph Physikalisch - anatomische Bemerkungen über den Biber, aus dem lateinischen überzetzt
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Franciszek Tứrschmid Jasnie Wielmożnemu Włodzimierzowi Hrabiemu Dzieduszyckiemu wdowód wdzięczności i głębokiego uszanowania
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Titius Johann Daniel Parus minimus Polonorum remiz Bononiensium pendulinus descriptus. Accedit tabularum aencaruin biga
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Klein J. T. Verbesserte und vollständigere Historie der Vögel
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Klein J. T. Stemmata avium qvadraginta tabulis aeneis ornata accedunt nomenclatores : polono-latinus et latino-polonus
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Herrn von Buffons Naturgeschichte der Vögel. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt, mit Anmerkungen, Zusätzen und vielen Kupfern vermehrt, durch Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm Martini
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Giecy Jgnacy Łukasz Ziemopismo Powszechne Czasów Naszych Dawnego i Srzenego Dotykaiące
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Beseke Johann Melchior Gottlieb Beytrag zur Naturgeschichte der Vögel Kurlands mit gemalten Kupfern. Nebst einem Anhange über die Augenkapseln der Vögel
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Friemann Gustaw. Polonez zkompanowany i ofiarowany J. Ex. Jaśnie Wielmożnemu Hrabiemu Włodzimierzowi Dzieduszyckiemu.
More details ...The process of digitizing the book has been completed Discours Sur Le Regne Végétal Prononcé Le 3 Mars 1780. Dans la L:; de Catherine à l'Étoile du Nord.
More details ...The process of digitization of the most valuable copies of books stored in the library of the State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences has begun.
More details ...