Digital collection of the scientific library
of the State Museum of Natural History
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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House of Europe In 2024, the Scientific Library of the State Museum of Natural History of the NAS of Ukraine, with the project "Creation of a digital collection of the most valuable book editions of the Scientific Library of the State Museum of Natural History", took part in the competition "Grants for the digitization of cultural heritage", launched by the European Union under the House of Europe. The project successfully passed all stages of selection and was supported by the grantor for the period 04.12.2024 - 30.06.2025.

Unique library funds are not only destroyed by time, but are also under threat of physical destruction due to the risks posed by military actions. The implementation of this project will allow digitizing unique examples of scientific literature, making them accessible to the general public, and thus preventing the irreversible loss of priceless artifacts.

During the six months of project implementation, it is planned to:
  1. Digitize the priority 60 most valuable book editions from the funds of the Museum's scientific library;
  2. Process digital information and place it for free access on the library's website;
  3. Create an effective automatic backup system and implement backup copies of publications and a backup website in English;
  4. Provide information about digitized books and the progress of the project through social networks and the Museum's websites.
  5. For the effective implementation of the project, special equipment and services were purchased, which will ensure high-quality digitization of valuable book editions, their reliable storage both in the cloud environment and on local media, free access to digital books on the main and backup sites. Backup power supply systems will allow operation during emergency outages.