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Main > List of authors > Schaefferi Iacobi Christiani Icones insectorum ...
Schaefferi, Iacobi Christiani. [Schäffer J. C.] 1718-1790. Icones insectorum circa Ratisbonam indigenorum: coloribus naturam referentibus expressae = Natürlich ausgemahlte Abbildungen Regensburgischer Insecten

Schaefferi, Iacobi Christiani. [Schäffer J. C.] 1718-1790. Icones insectorum circa Ratisbonam indigenorum: coloribus naturam referentibus expressae = Natürlich ausgemahlte Abbildungen Regensburgischer Insecten / I. Ch. Schaefferi. – Regensburg: gedruckt bey Heinrich Gottfried Zunkel, 1766. Vol. 2, pars 1. – VIII p., atlas 51-100 tab., index 12 p. [Lat.and Germ. Plates printed on both sides of the leaf].

The author's Schaefferi Iacobi Christiani book was published in the 1718-1790 years and is stored in the main collection of the library of the State Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

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