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Rzaczynski, Gabriel. Historiae naturalis curiosa regni Poloniae, magni ducatus Lituaniae, annexarum provinciarum in tractatus XX Divisa (1721)

Rzaczynski, Gabriel. Historiae naturalis curiosa regni Poloniae, magni ducatus Lituaniae, annexarum provinciarum in tractatus XX Divisa: Ex Scriptoribus probatis, fervataprimigenia eorum phrafi in locis plurimis, ex M. S. S. variis, Teftibus oculatis, relationibus fide dignis, experimentis Opera P. Gabrielis Rzaczynski Soc. Jesu. – Sandomiriae : typis Collegii Soc. Jesu, Anno 1721. – 456 p., 16 p.

The author's Rzaczynski Gabriel book was published in the 1721 year and is stored in the main collection of the library of the State Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

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