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Main > List of authors > Bielski. Ian. 1714-1768 Widok Krolestwa Polskiego ...
Bielski. Ian. 1714-1768 Widok Krolestwa Polskiego ze wszystkiemi woiewodztwami, xięstwy y ziemiami, monarchami y monarchiniami, iako teź monarchow tychże, y monarchin prawami, Rzeczypospolitey stanami y tychźe stanow / I. Bielsk

Bielski. Ian. 1714-1768 Widok Krolestwa Polskiego ze wszystkiemi woiewodztwami, xięstwy y ziemiami, monarchami y monarchiniami, iako teź monarchow tychże, y monarchin prawami, Rzeczypospolitey stanami y tychźe stanow / I. Bielski. – [Poznań]: W druk. F. K. MCi. Collegium Poznańskskiego. Societatis Jesu. Roku od Narodzenia CHRYSTUSA PANA, 1763. T. 1, ks. 2. – 354 s. T. 2, ks. 3, 4. – 130, 224 s.

The author's Bielski Ian book was published in the 1763 year and is stored in the main collection of the library of the State Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Restored in 2022 in cooperation with the Union of the Didushytsky Family of the Sas coat of arms as part of the project "Restoration of Old Prints of the Natural History Part of the Potorytsk Library located in the State Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv" with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sports of Poland as part of the program " Protection of cultural heritage abroad".

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